Thursday, January 24, 2013

CHANGE OF LIFE - Chapter 22


“Willard, I don’t know where to start?”

“How have you been?”

“For a while everything was going swell. I was babysitting two girls eleven and seven years old during the day while their mother was working. I had a story hour at the library and lots of kids were coming. I was going to Sunday School and church with the two girls. Everything seemed to be going fine.

“Then their father attacked me on the street – slapped me so hard it knocked me to the ground and I was still on the ground when the police arrived. His wife got a protection order against him. I thought we were safe. Then, this past weekend he broke into my room carrying a knife. He said that he was going to rape me, then cut me up until I was dog ugly.”

“Holy cow, what happened?”

“I kicked him in the groin, then I poked two fingers into his eyes, finally I hit him over the head with several books and knocked him out. Then I called the police.”

Willard roared in laughter, laughing until he was crying.

“Oh Dolores, I wish I could have seen that!”

“I wish you had been there to protect me. After the police left and I was back in my room, I sat there with a blanket around me and wishing that your arms were around me.”

“O Dolores!”

“Willard, I had to leave that home. The police are charging him with some felonies. I will probably have to testify. That is his old neighborhood. His wife told me that it wouldn’t be safe for me in that neighborhood now. Willard, I am in a motel right now. Could I come back to Little Rock, meet you there and maybe we could just walk around some place and talk over our problems. Maybe you would take me back, but it couldn’t be like it was before?”

“Dolores, yes you can come back. I have so much to talk to you about. I’ve been working with children also. In fact I am head of the Early Intervention Task Force of the police department. We are going to try to reach children at risk before they get in trouble with the law. Oh, and wait until you see our house. I painted the outside white with dark blue trim. It is the nicest looking house on the block, if I do say so myself.”

“Okay, I will try to get a reservation on the train that leaves here about noon on Monday and arrives in Little Rock about 3 AM Tuesday. If for any reason I can’t get a reservation on that train, I’ll call you back tomorrow evening.”

“I’ll ask for a couple days off and I’ll book us a room in a hotel in Little Rock. Call tomorrow evening even if you do get the reservation you want. Hearing your voice is like music to my ears.”


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